The 5 Primary Emotions Of Narcissism
*Video 130: The 5 Primary Emotions Of Narcissism (13 minutes) - 14 Jul 2020
PFILA – Pride, Fear, Inferiority, Loneliness which leads to Anger. Anger is actually a secondary emotion. The 5 primary emotions of narcissism are:
1) Pride - Self-absorbed, wanting to be in control
• They are critical & impatient
2) Fear - Fear loss of control
• Cover-up mode, become defensive, justify & rationalise their actions, criticism scare them
3) Loneliness - Pride and fear results in walls being built
• Narcissists find it difficult to connect with others (disconnect)
• Narcissists are often not aware of their deep loneliness
4) Inferiority - Have guilt, shame, feeling of inadequacy
• Show up as superiority to cover up their feelings of inferiority
5) Anger - Net result of above 4 emotions
• Can result in hidden or covert passive-aggressive behaviours.
Honesty, insight, awareness & mindfulness lead to wisdom, growth & maturity. Insights are often lacking in narcissists and that is why they choose to blame others. Making the right choices:
1) Pride Or Conscientiousness - Conscientiousness is the better alternative
• Being conscious of the needs of the community
2) Fear Or Trust - Trust is the better alternative
• Be a trustworthy person and be willing to trust others while being aware of the possible risks
• If you can trust yourself, then you will be better able to trust others.
3) Loneliness Or Empathy / Emotional Connections - Building empathy and emotional connections is the better alternative
4) Anger Vs Calm Firmness - Calm firmness lead to good boundaries, kindness, goodness, patience.
Labels: Motivation, Relationship