Make the World Better

Thursday, July 30, 2020

8 Questions A Narcissist Cannot Answer - 8 Questions A Narcissist Cannot Answer:

Q1 What are your deepest hurts? Their coping mechanism or habit has been denying their hurts.

Q2 Why is it so difficult to admit your flaws and mistakes? Again, this has been of their coping mechanism or habit, to deny and blame others (self deception is also part of their coping mechanism or habit)

Q3 Why do you see the needs to impress others / strangers? They are fishing for admiration.

Q4 Why are my differences threatening you so much? They have difficulty in seeing from another perspective. They need to be at the centre of attraction.

Q5 Do you believe that only your opinion is correct? Yes narcissist believe this. Pride, arrogance and self-righteous is one of the key characteristics of narcissism. The narcissist is not interested in the opinions of others.

Q6 In what ways you need to grow and change? Self deception again comes into play. They need to grow and changes?? In their mind, you or others are the ones that need to grow and change.

Q7 If I make you feel so frustrated, why do you keep coming back? The narcissist need to pass his / her negative emotions to others before they can feel better. They want to make you responsible for the negative emotions that they have. Once their negative emotions have been passed to you, this affirm their superiority - you are the one with negative emotions, not me type of affirmation.

Q8 Why do you go silent? Silent treatment is part of their mechanism where they punishes others for what they 'deserve'.

A healthy person:
a) likes being personable,
b) likes being accountable,
c) likes to learn and grow,
d) likes to be free from pretences,
e) accept his / her own strengths and weaknesses
f) embrace and accept their mistakes and failures.

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