Make the World Better

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Characteristics For Covert Narcissists and Differences Btw Covert and Overt Narcissists

Watch out for the following behaviours for people you often interact with:
Characteristics For Covert Narcissists Narcissists (covert behaviors are in italics)

1.     Self-righteous / Self-Absorbed / Self-Centred / Never Wrong / Never Their Fault
  • Often blames others and seldom take responsibility for own mistake(s)
  • Always someone’s else fault

2.     Sense of Entitlement
3.     Interpersonally Exploitative / Manipulative / Controlling
  • Engage in hidden passive-aggressive, invalidation and projection behaviors for covert narcissists
  • Emotionally abusive, harassing, threatening, seen to have a invisible toxic / negative personality (e.g. gossip and smear campaigns)
  • Acts like a bully / tyrant

4.     Envious / Jealous
5.     Poor level of empathy / Not able to see other’s viewpoints
6.     Highly reactive to criticism / Highly Sensitive
  • Often criticise others, but unable to take criticism(s), even constructive criticisms
  • React to contrary viewpoints with anger or rage

7.     Low self-esteem
  • Project rather than reflect

8.     Project Qualities, Traits & Behaviors Into Others
  • Rather than reflect on what has actually happened in reality

9.     Exaggerate Their Achievements and Talents
10.  Like to Be in The Centre Of Attention
  • Control conversation

11.  Hold Grudges 
12.  Lie / Gossip / Smear Others / False Accusation / Denial / Pathological Lying
13.  Behaves Differently With Different People (covert behaviors)
14.  Have Difficulties In Relating With Others

Distinct Characteristics Of Covert & Overt Narcissists:
Covert Narcissist
Overt Narcissist
1. Differences: Self-righteous (not obvious), shy, dangerous as behaviors are not obvious
1) Differences: Loud, rude, arrogant, demand attention, expression of grandiosity and exhibitionism, very obvious
2. Engage in hidden passive-aggressive, invalidation, projection and emotionally abusive and invisibly toxic (gossip / smear campaigns) behaviors
2) Aggressive, over-confident, ruthless, need to be admired by others, can do no wrong, also engage in visibly abusive & toxic behaviors
3. Anxious, pessimistic, unsure and un-motivated, professional victim
3) Generally more successful & capable than the covert narcissist?
4. Highly sensitive to criticisms
4) Does not bother what anyone says about him / her (only on the surface?)
5. Likely to be an introvert
5) Likely to be an extrovert
6. Behave differently with different people (covert behaviors)
6) Behaviors are more overt
7. Can convert to a overt narcissist when losing their narcissistic supply
7) Occasionally engage in covert behaviors
8. Similarities: Deep feeling of unworthiness
8) Similarities: Deep feeling of unworthiness
9. Envious, jealous, bear grudges
9) Envious, jealous, bear grudges
10. Highly exploitative, sense of entitlement
10) Highly exploitative, sense of entitlement
11. Self-indulgent and disregards for others
11) Self-indulgent and disregards for others
12. Rage when challenged, highly reactive to criticism
12) Rage when challenged, highly reactive to criticism
13. Screaming child inside
13) Screaming child inside
14. Need to dominate others, ambiguous behaviors
14) Need to dominate others, ambiguous behaviours
15. Controlling, little remorse and lack of empathy
15) Controlling, little remorse and lack of empathy
16. Like to be at the centre of attention, like to be admired, bottomless appetite for attention
16) Like to be at the centre of attention, like to be admired, bottomless appetite for attention
17. Belittling others, taking rather than giving
17) Belittling others, taking rather than giving
18. Calculated behaviors with agenda, mean
18) Calculated behaviours with agenda, mean
19. Indifferent to needs of others, toxic
19) Indifferent to needs of others, toxic
20. Low self-esteem
20) Low self-esteem, although self-confidence is being portrayed
21. Exaggerate their achievements & talents
21) Exaggerate their achievements & talents
22. Like to be centre of attention (e.g. control conversation)
22) Like to be centre of attention (e.g. control conversation)
23. Hold grudges
23) Hold grudges
24. Lie / False Accusation / Denial / Pathological Lying
24) Lie / False Accusation / Denial / Pathological Lying
25. Have difficulties Relating to Others
25) Have difficulties Relating to Others