Make the World Better

Friday, May 25, 2018

Characteristics of People Who Are Resilient

My current impression is that resilient people have the following characteristics:
1) Optimistic outlook
2) Good problem solving skills
3) Likely to read widely, enhancing his / her problem solving skill, a lifelong learner
4) Good self-discipline, Clear goals / purpose in life, Good perseverance
5) Good awareness of own strengths and weaknesses
6) Actively prioritizing activities / goals
7) Curious mindset / diverse interests
8) Leading a balanced lifestyle, practicing moderation in most activities
9) Adaptable / flexible
10) Good interpersonal skills (e.g. good listener, able to express emotions without offending others)
11) Strive to have a good mental and physical health (preferably as the number one priority, among all other priorities)
12) Being appreciative, thankful, grateful.
13) People who are adaptable, calm, caring, considerate, curious, forgiving, friendly, generous, helpful, optimistic, patient, realistic, resourceful, respectful, responsible, secure, self-aware, tolerant, understanding and warm [alphabetic order of characteristics]

The more of such characteristics you have, the more resilient you will be. Anyone has any other characteristics to add?