5 Types of People You Cannot Help
https://youtu.be/pV9HqAeVTsc - 5 Types of People You Cannot Help:
1) People who live in self deception - Denial & self justification make it difficult for these people to improve their behaviours.
2) Those who are mentally lazy - These individuals try to avoid deep thinking. Need to ask these people key prompting questions for them to wake up?
3) Those with rigid mindsets - They have already made their conclusion and made up their mind. Nothing you say will change their mind. They are comfortable with their beliefs even if they know their beliefs are faulty. Pride, arrogance and self righteously have already crept in and made themselves comfortable in these individuals.
4) Those who will never accept their faults - again the fault of their pride, arrogance & self I righteousness. They already form a strong habit to blame others for whatever that have happened and avoid taking responsibilities for their own actions.
5) Pessimistic Individuals - Their negative mindsets make them see most situation in a negative light. The "nocebol" effect or self fulfilling prophecy kicks in (opposite of placebo effects). They have a negative influence and impact on the people around them, especially on people who spend more time with them. They often have an unhealthy relationships or relationship difficulties with others. They often transmit their negative values to others. Pessimistic people expect the worst, but are not prepared for the worst. Optimistic people are prepared for the worst, but expect the best.
Such people requires lot of patience and do not expect them to change within 1-2 years. Be gentle and patient to these people. Only time, gentleness and patience can change such people, over at least a few years.
Labels: Motivation, Relationship