Things I Like and Dislike
Things I Dislike - Do Not Do Them To Others, Ever
1) Being nasty to others
2) Being impatient
3) Always complaining and blaming others
4) Keeping quiet or claming up and letting people guess what you are thinking or feeling
5) Promise a lot, but can't deliver
6) Losing your cool / poor anger mgmt
7) Talk a lot without thinking
8) Hurry without planning, being impulsive
9) Boasting
10) Acting snobbishly
Things I Like - Do Them for Others, Always
1) Being patient and understanding
2) Feeling of empathy
3) Tolerance of differences
4) Clearly expressing your views - e.g. why you like or dislike something
5) Not to over-promise on what you find difficult to deliver
6) Good anger mgmt skill
7) Careful thoughts before expressing your views
8) Careful planning and steady actions
9) Being humble
10) Treat all equally, regardless of their status
1) Being nasty to others
2) Being impatient
3) Always complaining and blaming others
4) Keeping quiet or claming up and letting people guess what you are thinking or feeling
5) Promise a lot, but can't deliver
6) Losing your cool / poor anger mgmt
7) Talk a lot without thinking
8) Hurry without planning, being impulsive
9) Boasting
10) Acting snobbishly
Things I Like - Do Them for Others, Always
1) Being patient and understanding
2) Feeling of empathy
3) Tolerance of differences
4) Clearly expressing your views - e.g. why you like or dislike something
5) Not to over-promise on what you find difficult to deliver
6) Good anger mgmt skill
7) Careful thoughts before expressing your views
8) Careful planning and steady actions
9) Being humble
10) Treat all equally, regardless of their status