Make the World Better

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

4 Quick Child Raising Tips (Sep 2006)

These 4 quick tips have been proven time and again to work and can make your burden as a parent easier. Do not view these ideas as an obligation. Rather use them as you see fit to make your job of raising your child easier.

1- The Tantrum Technique: The next time your child throws a tantrum, remove all the breakable objects in the area or else escort your child to a place that you have made tantrum proof. Once your child is there, encourage him to continue his tantrum. After a few times doing this many children stop throwing tantrums.

2- Dealing with Disrespect: The next time your child speaks disrespectfully, give him a hug and a kiss and say that you love him very much.

The reason these two techniques work is that many times children act out in order to irritate their parents. This gives them a feeling of control. By showing that this behaviour doesn’t bother you, it takes away a lot of the incentive for your child to act this way. However, when you employ these techniques you have to do them in such a way that that it comes across that their behaviour really doesn’t bother you. Make sure that you execute them light-heartedly and with happiness. Your child should not detect any spitefulness from you.

3- The Power of the Unexpected: Do unexpected favours for you child every so often. Bring them home a small unexpected gift and say you were thinking of him. Surprise your child with a yes answer when he is expecting no. Children have great appreciation for a kindness that they did not anticipate. (This works great with your spouse, also.)

4- Since You are Doing it Anyway: If you are going shopping anyway, take one of your children along and use this as an opportunity to do something together. Since you are cooking or doing the dishes anyway use the opportunity to have a conversation with your child. There are many opportunities during the day where you have to do things. Transform these anyway times into an opportunity to be close with your child.



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