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Sunday, August 28, 2005

Defusing Stress At Work

In many cases, workplace stress is an ongoing problem that requires dedicated attention. On the organizational level, improvements such as better delegation of responsibility help relieve stress by taking the workload off of key employees. On a personal level, relaxation and coping techniques are suggested in many articles in the HighBeam Library to help relieve stress.

Here are some tips from selected articles in the HighBeam Research Library on how to manage stress.

Name Your Stress. Identifying what's stressing you out is the first step to managing it. You may also want to keep a stress diary where you record the occasions that are stressful to you, or trigger anger or anxiety that cause a physical response like sour stomach or a headache.

Divide a massive job into manageable parts and manage job complexity by delegating responsibly. Delegate! Delegate! Cultivate allies at work to help with monumental tasks as they present themselves.

Take Care of Yourself. Get enough rest. Build quiet time each day, even if it's just a few minutes. Learn relaxation techniques. Maintain good nutrition and increase water consumption. As an expert says, "Stress-related headaches are often simple cases of dehydration."

Reward Yourself. Mark successes with anything from a candy bar to a night out. Don't just charge ahead to the next impossible task. As the experts say, "Give yourself a medal" and savor the moment.

Learn to Laugh. Laughing releases endophines in the body, which helps you function more effectively. Laughter also enhances creativity.

Get Fit. Exercise is unparalleled for reducing stress and improving your health. If intense workouts are not for you, try yoga or pilates. These mind-body exercises are slower paced and more relaxing. When choosing the best exercise program for yourself, consider what you are trying to accomplish and what you enjoy.

Take Vacations. It's important to have a proper break to fully disconnect from the pressures of work and re-energize. By booking a vacation in advance you also have something fun to look forward to...and don't take the laptop along.

Get Help if things are just too stressful. Consider a good personal or employee assistance counselor. Talking to someone with an objective viewpoint can put a fresh perspective on problems.



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